Revival of old 8bit crypto project into new project 8Bit Arcade
Social media accounts setup
Adding to New Team
Contracts signed with Developers
Commence Platform & App development
Whitepaper / Lite-Paper
Launch in February of governance Token (Ongoing -April)
Tie-up with game development studio(s)
Completing Proof of Concept (16/02/23)
Adding independent Game Developers to our register
Adding further to core Team
Registering LLC company (23/02/2023)
Launch of Web-based platform
Adding to development Team
Launch of utility token
Beta version of platform and App - 'Go LIVE'
Onboarding web3auth wallet
Partnership(s) with other metaverse projects
Further industry partnerships
Mobile App MVP
Trade mark registration
Partnerships with gaming brand(s)
Seek legal advice on reward(s) and company jurisdiction
Develop blockchain solution
SEED funding
Integrate a decentralised ID for gamers
Setup / incorporate wagering system on platform
Go LIVE with the Mobile App.
Game Developer login on platform
Launch the 'eSTORE'
Launch the virtual asset Marketplace
DeFi case study with possible integration
Tie-ups with industry specifics brands for incorporation into 'The eStore'
Setup of 8Bit Arcade HQ
Franchising report
First 8Bit Arcade HUB
SERIES A funding round
Setup 8Bit Arcade gaming channel and studio
Develop an in-house streaming tool
Franchising / Gaming HUBS early case study
Last updated 1 month ago